Sunday, August 5, 2012

A Smile is Contagious.

Have you ever wondered how it feels to be really happy? A friend of mine, going through a rough time was sharing their feelings with me the other day and said, "I don't know how to be happy. I don't know what I would do if I were actually happy." This message struck me. I too have my struggles as does everyone. Lately I have been experiencing some anxiety myself. Heavens knows why; I only work two jobs, have been travelling all summer, and tend to pile more on my plate than is normal. ;)  I have worked hard to develop some healthy coping strategies like yoga, and writing in my journal. But when a friend says "I don't know what I would do if I were actually happy", it kinda makes you step back and think.

Over the past year and a half I have set some goals for myself and worked hard at reaching them. Goals to be a better listener, to strengthen my faith in God, and to find that true Joy that I know is out there. On any given day I don't go around all cupcakes and butterflies, I mean I have to live in reality too. But for the most part I feel pretty happy. I enjoy life, I love my family, I like getting up for work in the morning, and I am grateful for all the ways God blesses my life. I recognize these things and I revel in the goodness I find there. I still get mad, frustrated, even infuriated sometimes. So how do we learn how to feel happy?

In this day and age it doesn't seem like there are many things to be happy about. The economy is still stuck, jobs are getting harder, raising kids is getting more difficult with media and morality debates every step of the way. For example, I took my daughter to the mall and she wanted to play on the kid's slide. After a few minutes she comes over to me almost in tears and said "mommy, they aren't taking their turns, I can't get my turn." All the other kids were climbing over her. There were kids in there that were really too big to be playing and none of them seemed to notice the little girl they were shoving out of the way. I literally saw a young boy climb over her and step on her hand. How do we teach our children to be good people when there are so many who are not examples of good behavior? So I wonder, with so much bad in the world, it's a wonder anyone can find happiness. More and more people are struggling with depression, anxiety, and other mental disorders. Additionally, health in America is declining with rampant obesity, diabetes, and heart disease. It is clear that people are searching for whatever they can to fill the void of unhappiness.

So as I pondered the statement my friend made, I thought about how I had found happiness. I don't remember when but I do remember someone at some point in my life telling me that you have to choose to be happy. As a little girl I remember my mother and grandmother being silly and enjoying the simple things in life. Growing up in a family with little finances, my mother instilled in me the message that "we may not be rich with money, but we are rich in love." I have carried this with me throughout my whole life. Which is good because as a young person,  money has been a struggle. I also was blessed with a very supportive family. I remember a particularly difficult time in my life and when you are scraping the bottom of the barrel it is easy to feel like giving up. Luckily I had my mom's voice in the back of my mind, always loving me and that truly kept me going. I have always observed those around me and tried to learn from their mistakes. I have always tried to really internalize those motivational messages that I hear, but all of that seems so incomplete when it comes to answering the question about how to find happiness.

I was channel surfing the other day and happened upon Oprah's new station and her Sunday show called Lifeclass. I instantly got sucked into a story on letting go of anger. Forgiveness is a key element in finding happiness I've discovered. She shared a variety of stories of individuals who, through their personal trials, were able to forgive others and let go of their anger. This was a powerful lesson to me. It is absolutely true that hate and anger will consume your life if you let it. I often say offhanded that I don't have the time or energy to hate people and even though I say it lightly it really is true. It takes a great deal of energy to hate a person and swim around in that drama. Free yourself by choosing not to hate others. Oprah furthers her lesson by saying, you can accept that something happened to you but you don't have to let it consume you. Bad things will happen to us, and in some cases those bad things will be the direct result of a choice that another person has made. We can either choose to learn something from the experience or we can allow that hurt and hate to consume us.

I get road rage pretty bad and even in the midst of yelling some obscenity at someone who can't hear me, I am always reminded of the Lord's hand in my life. I can't help but thank God for putting the slow person in front of me because I will never know what unforeseen circumstance I avoided by being a little slower. I am also humbled by this because I am reminded that I have no idea what is going on in that other person's life. Perhaps they are on their way to a job interview and they have been out of work for several months. Perhaps they are on their way to a grandchild's birthday party, or maybe, like me, they have a stubborn child in the back seat driving them nuts. Putting myself in other people's shoes has really helped me find the good in my life.

Faith has been the other big thing in my life lately. I have been working hard to strengthen my faith in God. I have always wanted to learn more about God and I enjoy going to church and learning how to be a better person. Over the past year I have done more personal study and tried to be more Christlike in dealing with others and I can tell you that this has brought me a great amount of Joy. Not only in helping others but also in helping myself. I am very grateful for the way the Lord works in my life and for the lessons He teaches me. Working hard to better myself and increase my faith in God has helped me find more happiness and more peace.

Take time to recognize the goodness in your life. Enjoy the beauty that surrounds you each day. Let go of anger and work toward forgiveness. Have Faith. Love your friends and family and enjoy spending time with  them. Do good for others. Choose to be happy today. Learn from those difficult experiences and cling to the silver lining as if your life depended on it. Hold a baby. Turn off all your electronics and go for a walk or take a relaxing bath.

These are just a few of the things I do to create happiness. I don't think happiness just happens. we have to create it, we have to live it, and we have to share it. Be silly and always remember the kid inside. I like to slide across the floor in my socks or dance in my living room with my daughter. I know if you look deep within yourself you can find some happiness. But above all, never give up. help those around you see the good in life. If you are struggling like my friend, maybe part of it is fake it till you make it. Try something new even if you think it won't work. A smile is contagious and you just might find, that for one small moment you are happy.