Monday, March 21, 2011

Life and Life

Death always brings an analysis of life. Since my grandma passed away there seems to be that looming feeling of mortality, and more recently the death of an uncle reinforces that idea. So I find myself contemplating my own existence. But more than that, examining my purpose and affect on this world.

Lately I've been teaching my students about self perception and intrapersonal communication.
Self discovery is an important part of good communication. I too have been doing some self analysis these days.
In my business class I've been learning about self improvement and inspiration and its incredible how life keeps repeating things you need to hear.
Self analysis is not always easy but it is really important. How we perceive ourselves affects the way we perceive others. If we have an accurate self concept then we are more likely to perceive others accurately and the messages they communicate to us.
So improving our lives has to come from within. So often we rationalize, blame or deflect onto others but the real issue is all our own.
In my massage therapy business class we started learning about how to set up our business plan and we watched "The Secret" I'm as skeptical as anyone and at first I was the dissenting voice. But I discovered some interesting ideas that really reinforced and inspired some concepts I had contemplated in the past.

Gandhi said "Be the change you want to see in the world."
The main concepts discussed in The Secret are to visualize what you want, imagine you already have it and experience the feeling of already achieving that which you want in the world.
Although I'm not sure I believe in the Law of Attraction in the manner they describe it, I can say that positive thoughts really do have a significant impact on your life.
Many philosophers have written on how perception is reality and if we perceive things one way or another we really can choose happiness in the world, and in many ways get "the Universe to shape itself to our desire."

I've always believed I attract good people into my life. I'm not sure that is solely due to positive thinking as the Secret suggests but I do agree that positive thoughts are more powerful than negative thoughts. I also agree that emotions help monitor our thoughts. And the key to The Secret is feeling the positive things you are thinking and then visualize them coming to you.
So the goal is to feel positive, not just think positively like we've been told since a very young age, but FEEL positive.
This is much easier said than done.
I tell my students "Fake it till you make it" This too was suggested in The Secret. Find something, anything to feel positive about and it can shift your whole worldview, which can in turn shift your perspective, your experience and then likely those good things you want will come to you.
Find your happy thought.
Ask for what you want but do more than that-"generate the feelings of having it now"

I am the queen of second guessing and over thinking, so it becomes even more important to be self aware, visualize, and "put yourself in a feeling place"

I am a religious person and one of my favorite scriptures is "Adam fell that men might be; and men are, that they might have joy."
From the first time I read this I felt that this was the answer to life's oldest questions. Why are we here?
I believe it is to find that Joy. True Joy, the kind that makes your eyes well up with happy tears when your baby smiles at you for the first time. The feeling of satisfaction when you complete a huge task or overcome an obstacle. When you find your passion in life.
The Secret is not just about feeling good for the moment but about finding that real kind of Joy.

Sometimes we are our own worst enemy, or we can be our best friend. I have to start being more honest with myself. I have to have True Faith and work on feeling positive.

If I want to overcome my obstacles I have to change my perception. Once we get into a rut or a pattern of behavior it is difficult to stop and change directions, so I guess the next step is figuring out how to go in reverse. How do you communicate with those around you your change of thought, behavior or feelings without hurting anyone?

Think-No Feel Positive! And all the rest will fall into place. Those who care will be there to support you in your journey of Finding Joy!

1 comment:

  1. I don't know if you've ever watched Veggie Tales, but this kinda reminds me of the song Jr Asparagus sings in Madam Blueberry. :) "because a thankful heart is a happy heart... I'm glad for what I have, that's an easy way to start..." etc... if you haven't seen it, you'll have to sometime. It's cute. :) Thanks for sharing!
